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Alberta Innovates (2010), Briding the gap: Knowledge Translation in Alberta. 2010 KT Casebook. Available from https://fliphtml5.com/nums/dgtc/KT_Casebook_V1_2010... 


Aasekjær K, Waehle HV, Ciliska D, Nordtvedt MW and Hjalmhult E (2016): Management involvement - A decisive condition when implementing evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 13(1): 32-41.

Barosi, G. (2006) Strategies for dissemination and implementation of guidelines. Neurological Sciences 27 (suppl. 3): S231-S234.

Cockburn J. (2004) Adoption of evidence into practice: can change be sustainable? MJA, 180: S66-S67.

Fischer F, Lange K, Klose K, Greiner W and Kraemer A (2016): Barriers and strategies in guideline implementation - A scoping review. Healthcare, 4(3), 36.

Gambling T and Long AF (2006): Exploring patient perceptions of moving through the stages of change model within a diabetes tele-care intervention. Journal of Health Psychology 11(1): 117-128.

Grol R, Grimshaw J. (1999) Evidence-based implementation of evidence-based medicine. The Joint Commision Journal of Quality Improvement, 25: 503-513.

Grol R, Grimshaw J. (2003) From best evidence to best practice: effective implementation of change in patients' care. Lancet, 362(9391): 1225-1230.

Grol R, Wensing M. Chapter 8. Selection of strategies. In: Grol R, Wensing M, Eccles M, editors. Improving patient care: the implementation of change in clinical practice. Edinburgh; New York: Elsevier Butterwork Heinemann; 2005. p. 122-134. (book)

Grol R, Wensing R, Eccles M, editors. Improving Patient Care: The implementation of change in clinical practice. Edinburgh; New York: Elsevier Butterwork Heinemann; 2005.(book)

Hakkennes S, Dodd K. (2008) Guideline implementation in allied health professions: a systematic review of the literature. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 17: 296-300.

Kristensen N, Nymann C and Konradsen H (2016): Implementing research results in clinical practice - the experiences of healthcare professionals. BMC Health Services Research, 16:48.

Michie S, Johnston, Araham C, Lawton R, Parker D & Walker A (2005): Making psychological theory useful for implementing evidence based practice: a consensus approach.
Quality and Safety in Health Care, 14: 26-33.

Oxman AD, Flottorp S. An overview of strategies to promote implementation of evidence based health care. In: Silagy C, Haines A, editors. Evidence based practice in primary care. London: MNJ Books; 1998. p. 91-109.

Prior M, Guerin M, Grimmer-Somers K (2008) The Effectiveness of Clinical Guideline Implementation Strategies - A synthesis of systematic review findings. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 14(5): 888-897.

Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC, Norcross J (1992) In search of how people change: Applications to addictive behaviours. American Psychologist, 47 (9): 1102-1114

Prochaska JO, Norcross J, Fowler JL, Follicj MJ, Abrams DB (1992) Attendance and outcome in a work site weight control program: processes and stages of changes as process and predictor variables. PubMed, 17: 35-45.

Reynolds SS, Murray LL, McLennon SM, Ebright PR and Bakas T (2016): Implementation strategies to improve knowledge and adherence to spinal cord injury guidelines. Rehabilitation Nursing, 0: 1-11.

Schipper K, Bakker M, De Wit M, Ket JCF and Abma TA (2016): Strategies for disseminating recommendations or guidelines to patients: A systematic review.
Implementation Science, 11: 182.

Siering U, Eikermann M, Hausner E, Hoffmann-Eßer W and Neudebauer EA (2013): Appraisal tools for clinical practice guidelines: A systematic review. PLoS ONE, 8(12).

Slade SC, Kent P, Patel S, Bucknall T and Buchbinder R (2016): Barriers to primary care clinician adherence to clinical guidelines for the management of low back pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 32(9): 800-816.

Squires JE, Sullivan K, Eccles MP, Worswick J and Grimshaw JM (2014): Are multifaceted interventions more effective than single-component interventions in changing health-care professionals' behaviours? An overview of systematic reviews. Implementation Science, 9:152.

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